Higher Risk of 30-day Post-op Complications for Patients with Any SDoH

  1. 27% higher odds of urinary tract infection
  2. 22% higher odds of anastomotic leak
  3. 19% higher odds of pneumonia
  4. 13% higher odds of deep vein thrombosis
  5. 12% higher odds of sepsis
  6. 12% higher odds of disruption of wound
  7. 4% higher odds of acute kidney injury
Notes: Compared to patients who reported no social determinants of health (SDoH), patients with at least one SDOH at baseline were were associated with 16% higher odds of 30-day postoperative complications, including the above. From an article entitled, "Social determinants of health Z-codes and postoperative outcomes after colorectal surgery: A national population-based study."

Source: The American Journal of Surgery, November 1, 2022 - https://www.americanjournalofsurgery.com/article/S0002-9610(22)00431-7/fulltext